The contract started February 2021
- Kitchen taps:
As left after building works:
> waste not connected under the sink (so water flows onto the ground);
> hot supply to kitchen tap not connected at immersion tank – the solution tried later (Feb 2024) is to connect it to the pipe going from the immersion tank to the new shower;
> cold supply connected to mains (which is fine – the mains is turned on/off at the road, I will add a penny valve under the sink);
> very rough finish;
> taps to washing machine – hot one not required; they are on the wrong side of the cabinet partition.
Work to do:
> double waste to connect under sink.#;
> hot to connect at immersion tank (option tried later is to feed into shower hot inlet pipe). - Bathroom taps (is this new bathroom or old one?):
As left after building works:
> cold is fed from attic tank (which may be standard, would prefer mains) (I thought there must be a T off between taps/shower and immersion tank cold feed, but later discovered that the cold taps to the bathroom must be fed from the old pipe from attic storage tank to the downstairs old kitchen area);
> hot not connected at immersion – hopefully, this will be fixed by connecting to the shower (the hot water would have been plumbed to the old immersion tank location);
> not sure if supply pipes were connected to taps, there was never any water in sink;
> don’t think waste was connected;
Work to do:
> connect under sink to taps and waste;
> connect immersion to hot and T in somewhere to system (eg shower hot inlet);
> can cold be mains? - Toilet:
As left after building works:
> part behind the buttons was missing so it would not flush, and continuously overflows;
> there was no access other than through inspection panel.
Work to do:
> fix or replace due to missing part behind push button – Grohe Nova Cosmopolitan Wall Hung Frame for WC 1.13m (6558), cost euro 285 (may be Product Number 38772001 EAN 4005176863288 Colour chrome chrome € 419.03 Rapid SL 3-in-1 set for WC, 1.13 m installation height | GROHE – Grohe AG Company Page);
> tiling to be fixed – tiling was removed to see route of pipe because it had been turned off. In fact, a screw accessible from inside can turn on water, but it constantly overflows. - New Shower:
As left after building works:
> The cold at shower was connected to attic tank (which is fine, but… was it via the immersion, the pipework is in the ground and not visible – there must be a T-off to the general taps and shower, and another to the cold feed into the immersion tank, because we can see the feed to the bottom of the tank, whereas the pipes going to cold at shower come from the ground, unclear after that. So between ground and attic feed there must be a division, one to feed immersion tank, other for this ground pipe).
> The hot at shower was not connected to the hot from the immersion tank (so, no hot water). To connect hot, a T-off could be taken from expansion pipe, to the pump input, and the output split between two showers.
> The pump was not connected – from attic tank, T-off after split between immersion tank and the general taps/shower. From latter, pipe into the pump, out of pump and T-off to two separate showers;
Work to do:
> cold feed to the immersion tank and taps connected to new attic tank (hopefully, there is a T-off, one to the taps generally, one to the immersion cold feed – but this is not visible yet, maybe under roof);
> hot from immersion tank connected to pipe feeding hot at shower – and this would be the source of all hot water in the system;
> pump – cold water for shower to connect to pump – means, from pump, split pipes and feed one into immersion tank area – look under roofing for pipes – and feed it to the cold to the new shower, the other feed goes to the old shower;
> pump – hot water to connect to the pump, means T off the expansion pipe as a hot water pipe (?although it is a 3/4″ pipe), connect to the hot inlet to pump, from hot outlet from pump, T off and connect one to old shower and one to new shower. - Immersion tank
As left after building works:
> connections were loose and leaking;
– hot outlet pipe (3/4″) (for water to taps and shower or expansion) was directed through garage wall for no reason, then into a 4 meter pipe into a hole in the ground in the direction of the middle of the house!
Work to do:
> check that tank does not leak, eg exit pipes go somewhere or are terminated;
> connect the hot water out to taps and shower, via pump in case of shower.
> ascertain where the cold feed from attic storage tank T’s off to taps etc. - fix roof lining
- Boiler
As left after building works:
> boiler was located at garage door, long uninsulated pvc pipes (which would hang heavily with hot water) hanging badly off the wall especially at the corner, going through concrete without a sleeve. Connections leaking. No explanations of pipework.
Work to do:
> move boiler;
> insulate pipes;
> line pipes going through concrete wall;
> document pipework;
– copper pipework where needed;
– test pressure and radiators.
Plumbing – radiators
The two radiators in the livingroom extension do not work – they do not receive a reasonable amount of hot water. The only alternative other than digging up the floor is to trace new pipes through the walls and attic.
The two radiators in the hall and front porch work strangely – on examination of the pipework in the crawl-space the pipes looped down and are connected in a strange way which would not optimise flow.
- do required emergency works
- re-connect house to ESB network
- connect boiler diverter valves, lights, switches, wiring etc
- certify works
- metal or copper clad roof with edging
- fix broken tiles
- correct tile colour on porch roof
- fix skylight frame kit (weather protection frame) on 5 windows
- return keys, pay for replacement locks on front door
- return brass work on front door
- smooth concrete?
- patio finish?
Kitchen finish (apart from electric and plumbing)
- finish installation of hob
- finish/install kickboard
- install washing machine
- fit last door
Toilet door
- correct door handle
- general filling holes
- finish skirting
- finish lintels between floor surfaces, eg at bathroom
- restore trap door to crawl space.
- provide and install a working sump pump from basement
- restore main security alarm
Financial invoices over/underpaid