Hot water, three years later…

This week (ending 19 April 2024), I plumbed in the sink in the new bathroom. Up to now, I had been trying to get the water to flow to the correct pipes. When connecting the sink unit, I had to cut a channel in the unit because of the position of the waste and 2 water pipes. It is a tight fit with the vanity unit which Seamus provided. I had to purchase the fittings to connect the sink. After several visits to the plumbing shop, I eventually worked it out.

The new shower is working because I plumbed it directly to the immersion tank cupboard which is just beside it. The original shower, connected to a pump upstairs, should not have been affected but the hot water is not getting pressurised there for an unknown reason at present. The sink in the old bathroom has its hot water connected to a pipe from under the kitchen sink, as previously explained. The immersion tank had been moved in the building works but the plumbing was not done, so that hot water from the immersion tank was never plumbed to go the bathroom. I found an odd unterminated pipe under the kitchen sink and it turned out that it connected to the old bathroom hot. So the hot water goes from the immersion tank to the kitchen and back to the old bathroom, rather than a more direct route. The cold tap in the garage does not work – it should not have been affected but somewhere along the line, the feed either from the mains or from the attic storage tank was disconnected. I will have to run a new feed from the immersion tank cupboard through the block wall to the garage.